Hello Cherry Picked Fans! We are hard at work on Far Away and Grave Error. Currently, both are on their way to having a print-and-play version online soon. For transparency, we wanted to showcase what we have done so far and what still needs to be done before reaching that next milestone.
If you’ve been following us on social media, you have seen some of Jake’s awesome artwork. Far Away has the concept art for the terrain biomes and creatures. We are also working on the cards and other tactical components of the game. Part of the challenge is figuring out the right size for the components. We want everything to fit together, be readable, and fit on the table. Those goals often conflict with each other, so we are looking forward to hands-on testing with printed components (instead of notecards and poker chips).
Far Away has a lot of different components. Part of our goal is to make a two-player game with depth and replayability that also tells stories. The game has biome hexes, creature cards, creature tokens, player tokens, injury cards, resource tokens, dice, building cards, plot cards, and a bunch of other pieces fleshing out our 52-line component category list (which only includes a tutorial and a single mission). We have a lot of the main stuff ready to test, but there are still some missing elements before we can launch the PnP.
Grave Error is closer to having a print-and-play ready for public consumption. For testing, we are omitting a lot of illustrations so we can have something tactile to play with (the same goes for Far Away). We just need to mock up the game’s Fear Tracker and write a formal draft of the rules. Our goal with this iteration is to get reps on the layout cards structuring the game’s houses. We want to see if there is enough space to set cards and tokens while still reading the information on those cards.
Once we feel we can release these games independently of our supervision, they we be able from CPG’s site. We are excited to expand our playtesting efforts and refine these games to perfection. Both Far Away and Grave Error will be worth the wait.
One of the creatures players may encounter planetside.
The Canyon biome of Far Away.
Players have blueprints of buildings they can construct to give them in-game assistance.
A sample player mat for Far Away's explorers.
A page from the Grave Error PnP, featuring house layout cards and light icons.